A Quantum Philosophy IV - Goethe:
"In dem Augenblick, in dem man sich endgültig einer Aufgabe verschreibt, bewegt sich die Vorsehung auch. Alle möglichen Dinge, die sonst...
A Quantum Philosophy III - Heisenberg:
"Der Übergang vom Möglichen zum Faktischen findet also während des Beobachtungsaktes statt." (Werner Heisenberg, Quantentheorie und...
A Quantum Philosophy II - Art: Open your eyes!
There are many ways to see the world as it is and not less to shape reality. One of them is to simply paint it - anyway you want. The...
A Quantum Philosophy I - Art: Remove all your filter!
Is it good or is it bad? Whatever you think: it is not! Whenever you think something is somehow - remove your own reviews and look at the...